Original Sin 12oz apple
You must be over 21 years of age to purchase alcoholic beverages. We reserve the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, remove alcohol. or cancel orders in our sole discretion.
It is a violation punishable under the law for any person under the age of twenty-one to present any written evidence of age which is false, fraudulent, or not actually her own for the purpost of attempting to purchase any alcoholic beverage.
if your order contains alcoholic beverages, the person accepting the delivery must show identification verifying he/she is over the age of 21 for each delivery and will be required to provide his /her signature to release the delivery. if no one over the age of 21 can accept the delivery, the remove alcoholic beverages from the order.
According to the surgeon general, women shouldn't drink alcohol beverages during pregnancy because of the rish of birth defects.
more information
Original Sin is Gluten-Free Original Sin was born out of the NYC experience. The founder, an NYCer, came to see the need for a superior cider, a cider that was clean and complex with a noticeable bite. The quest to create the perfect recipe encompassed both day and night. Day was spent upstate in a winery, tasting, testing and mixing. Night was spent in NYC bars, getting feedback from bar owners and patrons. The result, Original Sin Hard Cider was released to immediate acclaim from sources as diverse as The New York Times, Paper Magazine and Market Watch. Original Sin is made from the best apples and contains no artificial flavors or colors. Light with a clean and crisp apple taste, Original Sin goes down equally well in a pub after a game, served with dinner or dessert, or over ice on a hot summer day. We hope you visit some of the great locations stocking our product, and please let others know how refreshing and pleasurable Sin can be.